Welcome to our site about our son Brodie Dick who will join our family on August 8, 2011 at 8:00. At 22 weeks we went in to find out if we were having a boy or a girl and we found out that we were having a boy but that he may have a birth defect. After an agonizing week we found out that our son had CDH (Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia). CDH occurs when the diaphragm fails to fully form, allowing the abdominal organs into the chest cavity and preventing lung growth. CDH occurs in 1 of every 2500 births and a baby with CDH is born every 10 minutes. 50% of babies diagnosed with CDH do not survive. The cause is not known. This will be a journal of our journey and will allow our family and friends to keep up to date on what is happening with us and our son Brodie. Thanks for your prayers and support!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Bronchoscopy Went Well

The bronchoscopy went well today and the ENT said that the airway and vocal chords look great.  There was some granulated tissue from suctioning that he removed but other than that it went as expected.  They told us that they wanted to move forward with taking out the trach.  They admitted him and just let him rest today.  It has been a little stressful because after he woke up from the procedure his saturation was staying between 90-93.  We can't seem to figure out why he isn't doing as well as normal.  It has been a long time since we just sat and stared at a monitor praying that the number will go up.  They wanted him to be 92 or better to try and cap him and in true Brodie fashion, about an hour and a half before they were supposed to do it he suddenly went up and stayed at 93 or 94.  They decided to cap him and when they did he stayed at 94.  I guess we figured he would go down and kept waiting for it to, but he just stayed the same.  He has been doing great since and the ENT said he will come by at 6 in the morning and see how he did.  If he does well then they will take it out and monitor him all day.  As I type this I keep hearing little noises coming from his bed and realized that it was Brodie.  He can now make noise since capping the trach is like not having a trach at all.  We will see how tonight goes and let everyone know how things are progressing. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Could Brodie be Trach Free Soon?

As I look back on the last 13 months I can definitely see that we have had some difficult times but now I can honestly say that we have made it through the tough times and are happier than ever.  We are blessed to have Brodie and are still thankful every day that things worked out the way they did.  Here is an update on what has been going on with us.  We took the boys out to Disneland all of last week and had a great time.  It was great to get away with just the four of us.  We had such a wonderful time and for that week life just seemed "normal".  Brodie did great on the plane and he even rode all the rides that he was tall enough to ride.  He not only went to Disneyland but he also went to the beach, Sea World, and his first baseball game.  He laughed and smiled most of the trip and only cried we he got near the Disney characters.  Who would have thought that after all he went through that he would have been taking a trip at 13 months.  We have been waiting to hear from the doctors about what we are going to about the trach.  We finally got the call yesterday that if there are no obstructions found during the bronchoscopy on Monday that they will take out the trach, monitor him overnight and send him home Tuesday trach free.  I can't tell you how happy that this makes us.  It will not only allow us to get back to a more normal life but we think it will definitely help him out developmentally.  If it comes out it is going to be crazy to be able to see his whole neck and always hear him talk, laugh and cry.  He has been really progressing lately and the therapists said that they think he will be walking by Christmas.  He is showing more of his personality every day and keeps us laughing all the time.  We will update you next week on how thing go on Monday and Tuesday.  Thanks so much for all of the prayers and we know that without all of you that he never would have made it this far.