Welcome to our site about our son Brodie Dick who will join our family on August 8, 2011 at 8:00. At 22 weeks we went in to find out if we were having a boy or a girl and we found out that we were having a boy but that he may have a birth defect. After an agonizing week we found out that our son had CDH (Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia). CDH occurs when the diaphragm fails to fully form, allowing the abdominal organs into the chest cavity and preventing lung growth. CDH occurs in 1 of every 2500 births and a baby with CDH is born every 10 minutes. 50% of babies diagnosed with CDH do not survive. The cause is not known. This will be a journal of our journey and will allow our family and friends to keep up to date on what is happening with us and our son Brodie. Thanks for your prayers and support!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Brodie Eight Month Birthday

Sorry that I have not posted in some time.  We have been very busy and I keep saying I will do it tomorrow and tomorrow never gets here so I decided to do it today.  We can't say enough great things about how Brodie has been doing.  He has exceeded our expectations and continues to amaze us daily.  We went to the pulmonologist the other day and when he walked in he was amazed at how well he was going.  He was off oxygen and smiling at him when he walked in.  This doctor remembers the Brodie that "may not have enough blood vessels going to the lungs to sustain life."  He gave us the go ahead to keep him off oxygen as long as his saturation stayed above 94.  We have kept him on and off of oxygen but I am proud to report that he has not had oxygen since Thursday of last week and shows no signs of needing it.  This is far quicker than we thought based on the requirements of almost four months ago.  The pulmonologist said he hoped to have him off oxygen all together before he turns 1 and then get the trach out after RSV season next year.  That would mean that he will have the trach another year.  I think that he will be completely off oxygen soon and hopefully we can talk them into taking the trach out before he turns 1.  We will see and we are pleased with either of those options but Brodie has shown us time and time again that he surprises us.  His latest trick is sitting up all by himself.  They set that a a goal for him but I don't think they ever thought he would do it so quick.  He is grabbing for toys, putting them in his mouth and even has his two bottom teeth.  The only thing that he is struggling with is tummy time.  They would like for him to be able to do 5 minutes and he can hardly do 1 minute.  Would you want to get on your tummy with a trach?  We are working on that and rolling over so hopefully he will be doing that soon.  Currently he is sick with something and not himself.  He has about 8-10 bowel movements a day and has a lot more secretions.  Hopefully he will be over this soon because he has not been as happy the last few days.  Thanks so much for the continued support and prayers.  We can't thank everyone enough for the help we have received over the last eight months and it has been exactly a year since went to the ultrasound and found out the news of Brodie's CDH.  We however have been blessed with an amazing boy that continues to prove that he is a fighter and has reminded us what life is all about.  Each of you has helped us in some way along our journey and I hope that Brodie's life has helped you in some way.  Again, I am sorry for not posting in a while and keep this updated more often now that everything is slowing down.  IMMEDIATELY after posting this I will post pictures (sorry for that too).  Hope all is well with everyone and have a great week!